Enrichment & Scholarly Presentations

 Participant, NYU Faculty Research Network Participant (Athens, Greece 2015) Course: City as Teaching Canvas, American College of Greece (picture above)


2024 UNCF/Mellon Magazine Cover

Grateful for the opportunity to experience this intellectually inspirational space with scholars from across the nation at the National Humanities Center.


Kolano, L.Q., Gutierrez, L., & Sanczyk, A. (2021). Establishing Teacher Allies Through Critical Multicultural Coursework Curriculum. Teachers College Record: Volume 123, Number 13, ID Number: 23746. 

Charlotte Teachers Institute (CTI) Seminar Leader

My 2022 CTI Seminar: Charlotte As Teaching Canvas: Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms and Equity Mindsets by Engaging in Local Diasporic Spaces (Leslie Clement Gutierrez, PhD)

My 2022 CTI Seminar Introduction Video


Ganzó, S., Kolano, L. Q., Gutierrez, L.C. & Sanczyk, A. (2022, Apr 22 – 26). Transforming the Lives of Immigrant Families Through Sustained Advocacy: A case study of one community nonprofit organization in North Carolina [Roundtable Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting [Theme: Cultivating Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century], San Diego, CA

Gutierrez, L. C. & Kolano, L. Q. (2020, Apr 17 – 21) (Re)Framing the Immigrant Narrative: Exploring Testimonios That Counter Essentialized Images of (Un)Documented Communities [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/vaffhjb (Conference Canceled due to COVID_19)

Kolano, L. Q., Gutierrez, L. C. & Sanczyk, A. (2020, Apr 17 – 21) Establishing Teacher Allies to Resist Essentialized Racist Nativist Discourses of Immigrants Through Social Justice Curriculum [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/ttjye8z (Conference Canceled due to COVID_19)

I served as one of the moderators for the “Fight For Family” documentary screening and panel discussion at Midwood International & Cultural Center in October (2019). This event was sponsored by Southeast Asian Coalition (SEAC), Our Bridge Kids, and Comunidad Colectiva.

Co-Presenter with Dr. Lan Kolano & Lydia Fergison at the International Conference on Urban Education (Nassau, Bahamas-November 2018)
2017 (April) American Educational Research Association(AERA) Convention, San Antonio, TX.  Paper Title: Undocumented Teacher Allies in North Carolina Through Critical Multicultural Coursework.

Authors: Dr. Lan Quach Kolano & Dr. Leslie Clement Gutierrez
In Session: Raising Critical Consciousness: Disruptive Teaching through Engagement

In Session Type: Paper Session
Unit: Division K – Teaching and Teacher Education
Section: Division K – Section 5: Preservice Teacher Education Coursework: Curriculum and Teaching to Improve Teacher Knowledge, Understanding, and Pedagogical Practices

TICTEC Conference on Civic Technology in Lisbon, Portugal below (April 2018)

NYU Faculty Research Network National Symposium (San Juan, Puerto Rico-November 2014) Poster Session, Co-Presenter with Dr. Sharon D. Raynor

Digital Activism: Challenging and (Re)Framing Undocumented Discourses in North Carolina by Using Educational Technologies to Enhance Community Engagement.I co-facilitated (in collaboration with Madai Candia-Zamora, a JCSU undergraduate student) a breakout session at the NYU Faculty Research Network National Symposium on Teaching a New Generation of Students, November 2016, Atlanta, G.A.nyu-2016-pic
Panelist, “Charlotte as Teaching Canvas: Exploring and Celebrating African Diasporas Through Digital Storytelling,” 40th National Council for Black Studies (NCBS) Conference: March 2016.
I presented at the National Council for Black Studies (NCBS) 2016 ConferencePresenter, “Culturally Responsive & Socially Relevant Second Language Teaching Strategies. Professional Development Workshop for Rising Reader Tutors at the International House, July, 2016, Charlotte, N.C.
Presenter, “Undocumented Allies Workshop:” March 2016 (This is an initiative that I organize and a workshop that I co-present throughout the city of Charlotte at various colleges and secondary schools). Click Here To Learn More About “Undocumented Allies of N.C “